Sunday 21 September 2014

In A Manner of Speaking

*Post title courtesy of Nouvelle Vauge, from their song In A Manner of Speaking!

Hi! Welcome to my new blog.

I know, this is like the third blog I've made, but I'm publishing books now, so I need to start treating writing like a job. Which, for me, means having a nicely-designed, professional-looking Author Site.

I also like having a place to rant about things like the high price of Red Bull, the annoyances of school and sleep, and my current pop culture fixations. And also social justice.

I have lots of interests, so brace yourselves for a bunch of miscellaneous posts and product placement for my own books (holla!) among other things.

It's 3Am right now, and I'm listening to Ladies' Code's So Wonderful, even though I should be sleeping and not blogging since I've got two classes tomorrow morning. Environmental Science, and a math course I don't remember the name of. They're both in the same room with the same teacher, though. It's also my homeroom. Ah, convenience. 

I published Nightmares at Noon, a few minutes ago, so go and check that out, or if you haven't read the first book in the trilogy, Dreams of You and I, go do that now! If you're new to my writing, try reading my short story Night of the Dragon, which is currently free everywhere except for Amazon (I'm having trouble price-matching). I'm really excited about Nightmares at Noon. It's surprisingly dark and serious, unlike the first book which was sort of cute, simple, entertaining New Adult fare. Nightmares at Noon pushes the envelope, it goes into some dark places, and I'm ready to get even darker with Reveries and Regrets . . .

So I hope you guys enjoy the new books, and the new blog! Don't forget to subscribe via email and follow me on Twitter!

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