Sunday, 28 September 2014

Surprise bitch. I bet you thought you'd seen the last of me.

So, I'm finally buying my ipod touch tomorrow. Which means I'll have the blogger app, and I can write blog posts on the go!

It also means I can write on the go!

This is a temporary solution until I buy a second laptop that I can bring out with me. Most of my time is spent on the go and I'm afraid to bring my laptop out of the house in case I break it, but that means I lose at least 3 prime writing hours a day, because I can't work on the go while I'm at School and then waiting for the bus home.

Still, it's great. I'll be posting on Instagram and Twitter a lot more. I'll have Instagram links up soon, but you can follow me on Twitter already, on the right sidebar! >

That's all for today, but I may or may not post tomorrow afternoon.

Friday, 26 September 2014

Where do I go from here?

Okay, so I don't like to talk about things that will happen in the future, or things that I haven't written yet, mostly just because I get performance anxiety when people are waiting for something I haven't even started to create. It sets the bar a little high, you know?

But for now, I feel like I have to talk about a few things to sort them out.

Mainly, I have to decide what I'm going to do in the future as far as publishing my books go, and as far as how I want to do that goes. I love self-publishing. I love making covers and writing blog posts and having control over blurbs and marketing and pricing. It's fantastic and efficient and it helps me connect with readers on a closer level.

But the thing is, while going indie has helped launch my two short story trilogies, and get my name out there as far as writing goes, I don't want to be known as a short story author. I love short stories, but I'ma novelist at heart, and I have big (like, massive) stories and worlds I want to bring to life.

The problem is, I truly feel like these novels deserve the marketing and covers and publicity and production value that a traditional publisher can bring to the table, and I can't.

If you're wondering what exactly I mean, let me give you a brief list of what I want to achieve from here on out:

  • Publish Reveries and Regrets, the final story in the Dreamwalker trilogy.
  • Publish the second and third Lilac Jones Adventures stories, ending that trilogy.
  • Publish a novel.
I think that Finishing up my two short story trilogies will take two to three weeks, tops.

Publishing a novel, however? Hard to say.

Right now I'm thinking about my novels, and I'm thinking, Traditional? Indie? If I'm being honest, I think I'm good enough to be traditionally published. That may sound like, self-congratulatory or something, but I think it's still true. And I've always wanted to be traditionally published.

I have a series I'm in love with. It's a Young Adult Paranormal Romance, set around Demigods, but they're not any Demigods, they're Demigods set in a world with mythology created entirely by me. This isn't Greek or Roman or Egyptian or anything, it's my own world, with it's own rules and dangers and enchantments. But this is more than just a series of books: it's several series set in the same world, the same history.

I have three trilogies planned out in this world, and each trilogy features its own unique characters, its own unique part of the mythology and fantasy world it explores, and its own setting within our own modern world. It's dark, it's exciting, it's sexy, and it pushes the boundaries of the genre.

I like to pitch it as Beautiful Creatures meets Percy Jackson, meets Welcome to Nightvale, but that's just me. Sounds awesome, huh?

The thing is, I'm not at a time in my career where I can get a major publisher to take a chance on my nine book epic, just yet.

Luckily, I have a lot of ideas I'm passionate about that are more market friendly. The first is a New Adult stand alone called Fury Virus, which is inspired by Kill Bill and a few other things I can't talk about to avoid spoilers. The second is a trilogy of YA futuristic Sci-Fi novels that I already have outlined. This trilogy is literally my obsession, and I think these my be my best work as far as sci-fi goes. After that I have a few more projects I'll work on before trying to publish the nine book series. You can only really do that when you have Cassandra Clare level fame, and I'm so not there yet.

I'll post more Fury Virus info soon, along with keeping you guys updated as far as the short story trilogies come along!

I'm over being sick, also, R&R (book 3) news!

Today is Friday. I didn't go to school today, and I didn't go yesterday, either.

I'm pretty sure I slept for nineteen hours. I took a shower, a bath, another shower. I drank hot tea, I drank bottles and bottles of water. I turned the heat up so high that I was basically roasting. I piled blankets on top of myself and took nasal cleansers and my allergy medication.

I feel better now, but it was bad. It was like a storm sweeping over the fields or something, because it passed really quickly. I hate being sick. I always wish I was sick so I could miss school, and when I finally get sick, I just want to get better as soon as possible. It's a never ending cycle. But now I'm better, and I'm listening to Rainy Day by Lucite Tokki, drinking cherry kool aid and surrounded by pillows and everything is awesome. I cleaned me bedroom while I was sick yesterday and it's spotless now.

I also started working on Reveries and Regrets just before I got sick. I just started the opening scene, which I've had in my head for some time now, and I'm about 900 words in? Around there. I'm so excited to get this story out. I love the Lilac Jones Adventures, they're so fun and entertaining, but I have a special love for the Dreamwalker series just because they have such a good balance between light and dark, they really blend together and I feel like the Dreamwalker stories have their own unique atmosphere. They take place in Winter, which is slowly but surely on it's way, and which is my favourite season by a long shot.

And speaking of the Dreamwalker series, when the first trilogy is finished, with Reveries and Regrets, I plan on releasing an omnibus edition in both ebook and paperback. But here's the catch: the paperback edition will come with tons of cool bonus content that you can't get in the ebook!


The bonus materials will include:

  • Q&A with the author
  • Trilogy Playlist
  • Featurette: the Science Behind Dreaming
  • Featurette: Real Life Dreamwalkers
  • Featurette: Creating a Monster, Anatomy of a Wraith.
I'm not sure how long each feauturette will be, but I'm thinking somewhere around 2000 to 4000 words each. I think the interview will be anywhere from 10 to 20 questions, with varied response lengths. I don't know how much the paperback will be since Createspace tends to decide that themselves, I think, but as soon as I know all the details and have all the content written I'll post more.

I'll also post the ebook edition cover sometime soon, probably when I publish it . . .

Reveries and Regrets has no firm publishing date yet, but I'll most likely finish the first draft within the next two days.

Tuesday, 23 September 2014

It shouldn't be a hard sell: it's free.

So, if you've checked out the blog pages then you've seen that Night of the Dragon is free, on the Lilac Jones Adventures page.

But- if you haven't seen that page, you don't know that. Except now you do.

Night of the Dragon is free on Smashwords and Kobo. It should be free on Amazon by now, except that they take so long to price match. If you like Young Adult books and headstrong POC protaganists or dragons (who doesn't like dragons?) then you should go check it out! I figure getting people to read this story won't be too hard considering, you know, it's free.

I plan to start working on the second Lilac Jones book soon, I promise. I want to work a finish the Dreamwalker trilogy first though. I haven't started the draft of Reveries and Regrets, but I have the general scope of the story, and drafting isn't a long process for me, especially for shorter stories. I might have an idea for a second trilogy set in the Dreamwalker world, but after Reveries and Regrets, I think I may take a break from it for a while. I have LJA to work on, and also another Trilogy I want to put out along with a novella. I think after that I could return to the Dreamwalker world and finish up the stories I have to tell there before I start working on full length novels.

In non-book related news, the Liberals got the most seats last night, which is good. I'm glad I can just not hear the words 'Conservative Government' for a little while. Doesn't it send a shiver down you spine?

I probably shouldn't be blogging right now since I have to write an essay on Mohamed Bouazizi, but I can't help myself. Anything to avoid coursework! Mohamed Bouazizi is still really cool and admirable, though. I don't think I would have the courage to set myself on fire like that, but I appreciate all the changes his actions have set into motion.

And while I research him, I'm drinking this Starbucks Frappucino my mom got at the drug store, and it is sooo good. I wanted to buy a Java Chip Frap today but I spent my money on a book (The Poison Eaters, by Holly Black) so I'm really glad she grabbed this for me. Starbucks is like the most delicious kind of fuel ever, right? I could spend my entire life in a Starbucks if the lighting was on a Hollister 21 level and I could bring one of those giant, scratchy blankets you can buy at general shops on reservations to wrap around my shoulders. Of course, Starbucks isn't as magical as Red Bull, but I'm willing to forgive it for that: few things are as magical as Red Bull. Among them are blue whale candies and bashful rottweiler puppies who sneeze a bunch.

Anyway, I'm going to get back to working on this essay, and then maybe I'll start the first draft of Reveries and Regrets . . .

Sunday, 21 September 2014

Why Nenia Campbell is Awesome

What's that, blog reader? Why, you don't know who Nenia Campbell is?

Allow me to educate you for a minute, 'kay?

Nenia Campbell is the author of dozens of fantastic indie novels, such as Locked and Loaded, Black Beast, Endgame, Tantalized, Fearscape, Bleeds my Desire, Bound to Accept, and Wishing Stars, which is an epic anthology of short sci-fi re-tellings of fairy tales!

Nenia is also a popular book reviewer on Goodreads, and she's reviewed over 1,990 books! Nenia's reviews are well thought-out, deep, and entertaining, just like her novels.

I loved Wishing Stars, Endgame, and was pretty entertained by Tantalized as well. I'm totally obsessed with Nenia's Shadow Thane series, which includes Black Beast, Touched With Sight, and Crowned by Fire.

You're probably wondering why I'm plugging Nenia's books so hard right now. Well, it's because I love them. And you should love them. Because they're amazing. I mean, look at those covers? Don't you love them?

Well I promise, the insides are just as awesome. Nenia's writing is dark and deep and it pushes the envelope. There are a lot of great indie authors out there, and I believe Nenia is among the best of them. Her books definitely deserve more attention than they get!

Her books are low priced and well worth the read! You won't regret picking up one of these novels, so check them out to if you want to support an awesome indie author who you'll definitely enjoy reading!

Author K.M. Montemayor reads Night of the Dragon!

Young Adult author of The Circle (check it out!) K.M. Montemayor recently read and reviews my YA short story release, Night of the Dragon, which is the first in the Lilac Jones Adventures!

"This is a funny, original, quick-paced short story about a sixteen-year-old girl who finds herself in bizarre situations through no fault of her own." -K.M. Montemayor, author of The Circle

Isn't that awesome? Don't forget to check out her book, the Circle! It's the first in a YA PNR trilogy about aliens!

   He was created for only one person. She was never supposed to be the One. 

   It is 1988 and Lilly, a shy high school senior with a non-existent social life, is forced to live out her romantic fantasies through the fictional characters of her books. That all changes when she issues a spur of the moment invitation to the strange new kid.

   The world Charlie comes from is much different than Earth. Almost every aspect of a Sentrian's life is under complete government control. There is only one right the intrusive authorities may not violate: that God chooses your soul mate. While on his planet, Charlie never found his One, so when he develops an attraction to Lilly, he is torn. Should he ignore his feelings for the Earthan, or pursue a doomed relationship with the only girl he has ever cared about? 

   His contact with Lilly does not go unnoticed. Involvement with an Earthan is considered blasphemy, and Charlie is condemned as a criminal of the state. The couple is faced with a difficult choice: accept eternal separation or risk everything to stay together

In A Manner of Speaking

*Post title courtesy of Nouvelle Vauge, from their song In A Manner of Speaking!

Hi! Welcome to my new blog.

I know, this is like the third blog I've made, but I'm publishing books now, so I need to start treating writing like a job. Which, for me, means having a nicely-designed, professional-looking Author Site.

I also like having a place to rant about things like the high price of Red Bull, the annoyances of school and sleep, and my current pop culture fixations. And also social justice.

I have lots of interests, so brace yourselves for a bunch of miscellaneous posts and product placement for my own books (holla!) among other things.

It's 3Am right now, and I'm listening to Ladies' Code's So Wonderful, even though I should be sleeping and not blogging since I've got two classes tomorrow morning. Environmental Science, and a math course I don't remember the name of. They're both in the same room with the same teacher, though. It's also my homeroom. Ah, convenience. 

I published Nightmares at Noon, a few minutes ago, so go and check that out, or if you haven't read the first book in the trilogy, Dreams of You and I, go do that now! If you're new to my writing, try reading my short story Night of the Dragon, which is currently free everywhere except for Amazon (I'm having trouble price-matching). I'm really excited about Nightmares at Noon. It's surprisingly dark and serious, unlike the first book which was sort of cute, simple, entertaining New Adult fare. Nightmares at Noon pushes the envelope, it goes into some dark places, and I'm ready to get even darker with Reveries and Regrets . . .

So I hope you guys enjoy the new books, and the new blog! Don't forget to subscribe via email and follow me on Twitter!